Quorum Logo

Role: Director of Product Design


In this case study, I share my journey as Quorum’s first Director of UX, where I was tasked with building a UX function from the
ground up. I began by evaluating the team’s UX maturity through an in-depth assessment of Process, People, Platform, and Strategy.
This assessment laid the groundwork for two critical initiatives: Persona Optimization and Modernization & Rebranding. Together,
these efforts transformed the platform, creating a more personalized and cohesive user experience that directly aligned with Quorum’s business objectives. As a result, we saw increased user engagement, efficiency gains, and improved brand recognition.


  • Does the product design team follow a structured process? Is it effective?
  • How could the design team’s collaboration with cross-functional partners improve?
My assessment revealed a lack of formalized design processes, which led to inefficiencies and inconsistent collaboration. I
established a scalable process that integrated design more closely with development and product management.


  • Does the team have the necessary skills to create a great user experience?
  • Is there a culture of feedback and career growth?
The design team was skilled but lacked structured opportunities for feedback and development. I implemented frameworks for
career growth, regular design reviews, and peer feedback to build a more collaborative and growth-oriented environment.


  • Is there a design system in place, and how mature is it?
  • How well does the design team collaborate with development?
Our design system was underutilized, and there was no clear governance structure. I worked to mature the design system, creating documentation and processes to ensure it was consistently applied across the platform.


  • Is UX a strategic focus for the organization?
  • Does design have a seat at the leadership table?
UX was not fully integrated into Quorum’s strategic planning. I advocated for UX to have a stronger voice at the leadership level,
ensuring that design was considered a key driver of product success and innovation.

Key Initiatives

Persona Optimization

Once the UX maturity assessment was complete, I turned my focus to understanding our users more deeply. The existing UI was a
"Swiss Army knife," attempting to serve every user in the same way, which resulted in a cluttered experience.

We conducted extensive user research through interviews, analytics, and customer data, resulting in detailed personas. These
personas became critical in guiding our design decisions, allowing us to tailor the interface to different user needs.

Persona: Grassroots DirectorPersona: Grassroots Associate.

By redesigning the user interface to fit specific personas, we created a more intuitive, personalized experience. Instead of a one-size-fits-all
approach, users now had tools tailored to their specific workflows.(Figma file)

Persona Identification Model

Modernization and Rebranding

Quorum’s design and visual identity had not been updated in several years, even after a company-wide rebrand in 2020. I saw an
opportunity to align the platform’s aesthetic with the company’s refreshed brand and modernize its user experience.

Focusing on areas like the top and side navigation, we implemented a more modern and streamlined design, improving usability while
staying true to the company’s new brand guidelines. This overhaul not only enhanced user satisfaction but also strengthened brand
recognition and consistency across the platform. The introduction of a mature design system played a crucial role in maintaining
cohesion and efficiency throughout this process. (Figma File)

Bill Page Mockup.


These efforts yielded significant results, both in terms of user experience and business outcomes:


Through a thorough assessment of UX maturity and the implementation of Persona Optimization and Modernization initiatives, I was
able to transform the user experience at Quorum. These efforts not only improved the product’s usability but also established design
as a strategic partner in the company’s growth, contributing to measurable improvements in engagement, efficiency, and brand
consistency. My leadership in UX helped Quorum evolve into a more user-centered and innovation-driven organization.