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UX Manager, UX Researcher, UX Design
Project Overview
Under a tight deadline to create a proof of concept for a new product, my team and I performed research, facilitated a design sprint workshop with stakeholders, and rapidly iterated on a product design before validating it with our users.

The Team

UX Manager and Design Sprint Facilitator (me), Product owner, UX Designer, UX Researcher, Backend Architect, Multiple stakeholders and subject matter experts.

The Task at Hand

With only three weeks before we were scheduled to meet with users, we were asked to conceptualize a new product that aids hospitals in increasing their quality rating thereby increasing their revenue.

The Problem

Hospitals receive federal funding based on their quality rating. Unfortunately, the way this quality rating is calculated is rather nebulous. So our two main goals are first, to provide insight into how the quality rating is calculated. And second, to help hospitals understand what they can do to improve their score.

The Process

So we started our design process by performing stakeholder interviews with product owners, subject matter experts, hospital administrators, and executives to learn as much as we could about how a hospital quality rating is calculated, how a quality rating could be improved, and if any analysis was being done today to improve a hospital's rating.

It was decided by the group that the first thing we should build would be a dashboard that gives insight into the current quality rating of the hospital and breaks down why it has that rating.

After the cardsorting exercise, we then categorized each one by user persona and then defined some as being out of scope.

Once we knew which functionality was necessary on the dashboard, we identified some data points that should be shown and we asked all stakeholders to participate in a design studio where all of them would sketch out some ideas for this dashboard.

We then perfomed a competitive analysis where we identified features and functionality that our product needed to have.

The Solution

My team then took all of this research and information away and started iterating on a dashboard. This is the final dashboard which we were able to validate with customers before handing off to development. View Prototype